Thursday, March 17, 2011

What are we here for?

As I read this book "Hurt Healer" it is somedays overwhelming.  To think about all the power, responsibility that Christ gave us.  I choose to start today this second not wait till I figure it out.  I choose to learn from my mistakes and try to improve on my hurt healer abilities.  Today I decided to sit down and see just what qualifications I have from my past.  Who can I impact, Who would even listen to someone who's english grammar is in the pooper.  Ok well, it doesnt matter I learned a long time ago that most people walk around giving excuses about well, I don't know what God wants me to do.  I laugh and say YES U DO, but do you want to do it..   So I ask you Do You have any idea what God wants you to do?? Because if you don't I am here to tell you I know of at least 4.  1. Is to be saved 2. Is to grow in Holiness 3. Is to be filled with His spirit 4. Is to do what Yeshua said " Go into all the world and preach the Gospel"

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