Monday, March 14, 2011

My first try!

Ok so this is my first blog, I pray that I can encourage and not be a pew sitter!


  1. That's right! No pew sitters here!! Once you realize the amazing thing that Jesus did for us, can you really choose to just sit or stand by and do nothing??? I don't think so! Let's LIVE our faith!

  2. Hey Hemda! I'm reading Case for Faith by Lee Strobel. I love his books but I'm not sure if they're making me smarter or making me realize how "unsmart" I am! LOL My favorite quote so far is "Evil doesn't exist because of God's choice but because of man's freedom." That is so convicting to me and makes me want to "do" something to change the world. I have to remember that I can't do everything but I can do what God has put before me. What has God put before you today? (And Me) I challenge you (and myself) that whatever He has put before you to do it to His glory. Love Ya!

  3. Hemda, you are definately not a pew sitter - me either, girl! My mom advised us to just go and sit for a while and get some healing. That may be good for some people, and that's fine. But, I would actually spiritally die just sitting there. God speaks more to me when my hands are to the plow. Glad you're part of our church!
