Monday, May 23, 2011

What is the church really here for??

Who have you led to Christ lately?

 Are they still walking with HIM?

I just don't want to waste my life on religous  activity but is devoid of spiritual productivity. 

Am I advancing the Kingdom of God?

AM I having an impact of those going to Heaven?

Are we are worst enemies??

Are we oblivious to the good deeds we are doing and they are not producing results.....................

Just saying what is your thoughts!!

Friday, April 1, 2011

"Evil doesn't exist because of God's choice but because of man's freedom."

What does this comment mean to you??


With 2 weeks left of tax season, I am feeling a little rushed.    Reading this book Hurt Healer it reminds me, that we are all to guilty of the RUSH syndrome.  We should all be ready to stop and help and our mind set is not their.  Ok well I am speaking for myself.    This is an extremely busy month with work and Passover around the corner.  I just want to make sure that I am leaving time to pay attention to those around me.  I want to make sure that I do what I can for those I can.  So as I remind myself daily pay attention to those God puts in your path no matter how small.  It could be the person in the drive thru who got your food wrong again.  Or the cashier who overcharged you 11 cents again.  Or maybe it is the neighbor who you haven't seen outside in a few days because you are in such a RUSH.  Maybe it is your family!  Just a reminder pay attention there is no gurantee for tomorrow! So act as though JESUS IS COMING TODAY!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

When people hurt you!

I am still in this season of life of trying to understand how do you recover from another family member hurting you. By family I mean another member of the BODY OF CHRIST! 

 humans are humans and God is God. Humans are weak, frail, not always wise, not always well-intentioned. Humans can be insincere, hurtful, reactive, hypocritical and sometimes mean. But I too am weak, frail and not always wise. In the past, I have not always well-intentioned, and I may have been sometimes insincere and, on occasion, hurtful, reactive and perhaps a few times even hypocritical.

Thank God for THE BLOOD!!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

What are we here for?

As I read this book "Hurt Healer" it is somedays overwhelming.  To think about all the power, responsibility that Christ gave us.  I choose to start today this second not wait till I figure it out.  I choose to learn from my mistakes and try to improve on my hurt healer abilities.  Today I decided to sit down and see just what qualifications I have from my past.  Who can I impact, Who would even listen to someone who's english grammar is in the pooper.  Ok well, it doesnt matter I learned a long time ago that most people walk around giving excuses about well, I don't know what God wants me to do.  I laugh and say YES U DO, but do you want to do it..   So I ask you Do You have any idea what God wants you to do?? Because if you don't I am here to tell you I know of at least 4.  1. Is to be saved 2. Is to grow in Holiness 3. Is to be filled with His spirit 4. Is to do what Yeshua said " Go into all the world and preach the Gospel"


Everyday how many people do you interact with?  How many people do you pass on the road, in a store at the gas station.  So many hurting people, so many people just going through the motions!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A new Season!

Do we really understand?  "For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven".  I sit here and think about the seasons that my life has been through.  Overwhelmed at the Grace.  One of my favorites songs words are "If grace is like an ocean we are all sinking in it".   I walk this everyday, blessed beyond anything I could ever imagine.  If Only? Do you ever sit around thinking about IF ONLIES?  When I do I am reminded by God that he forgets my sins he threw them far as the east is to the west.  I just thought maybe someone tonight needed to know that no matter what choices we make in our walk with Christ.  That when no one can understand GOD DOES!! Love ya!